임베디드 개발 환경에 적합한 EmBitz의 특징입니다. 무엇보다도 사용 제한이 없으며 무료입니다.
Multiple device targets (ARM, MSP430, PIC, ….).
Included optional: GNU ARM Embedded “bare-metal” compiler with different optimized libraries.
Powerful debugger fully optimized for embedded development.
Written in C++. No interpreted languages (Jave or .NET) or proprietary libs needed.
Extensible through plugins
Syntax highlighting, customizable and extensible
Syntax highlighting for assembler sources for all the supported targets (ARM, MSP430, PIC,…)
Code folding for C/ C++ and XML files.
Tabbed interface (VS2010 style)
Code completion
Class/symbol Browser (also for the compiler predefined symbols)
Smart indent
Spelling checker with US dictionary pre-installed
CScope integration with binaries pre-installed
One-key swap between .h and .c/.cpp files
Open files list for quick switching between files (optional)
External customizable "Tools"
To-do list management with different users
Build engine:
Multiple compiler/target support:
- EmBlocks "bare-metal" GNU ARM compiler (with memory report in EmBlocks)
- Keil/ARM realview
- ARM GCC (generic)
- Mspgcc (MSP430)
- PIC32 Microchip
- PIC24, PIC30, dsPIC Microchip
- PIC18 Microchip
- AVR GCC ATmel (MHV windows toolchain detection)
Auto detection of installed toolchains
Build options for Compiler, Linker and Assembler
Inherited options from upper levels are visible at lower levels
Compiler build options on source file level
Support for parallel builds (utilizing your CPU's extra cores)
Multi-target projects
Workspaces to combine multiple projects
Inter-project dependencies inside workspace
New Project Wizard for NXP-ARM, ST-ARM, EnergyMicro and Microchip targets (others will follow)
Project loader for uVision ARM projects
Project loader for Mplab 8 projects (PIC32,dsPIC, PIC30, PIC24 and PIC18)
Project loader for Atmel Studio project/workspace (AVR and ARM)
Project importer MplabX projects
Project importer CoIde projects
ARM GNU Embedded "bare-metal" Compiler:
Based on GNU 5.4-branch
Special libraries for the cortex family (with and without fpu/softfp etc)
Newlib builds optimized for Speed & Size (and default)
Newlib Nano-branch included
Unwind handling is excluded for minimum size builds
All libraries are selectable from linker panel EmBlocks
CMSIS library preinstalled and available without further settings
Fully documented and accessible at EmBlocks help menu (inclusive ARM quick references)
Special tailored GDB binaries optimized for embedded debugging
(ARM, MSP430, & AVR are selectable in the install package)
Step-in/out, Step-over, Step-instruction, Run to cursor & Set PC at cursor
Disassembler view mode, mixed or plain
Memory view hex,char or dec (signed/unsigned) and 8,16 or 32 bits selectable
Memory view Scrollable (uVision style) and with "Address modify" function
System view with CMSIS-SVD (XML) description support.
Display all the peripherals registers of the device and modify the values if necessary.
Live data and variables (on mouse-over) on GDB server support
Live watches (global variables)
EB monitor – printf/scanf in EB console window without halting the application (the semihosting successor)
Supports old Semihosting console handling in debugger-target view through GDB
OS aware debugger plugin: OSsupport
– FreeRTOS
Navigation between register, disassembly and memory views
e.g. show memory pointed by register/system or disassembly immediate values etc.
GUI debug interface settings
Easy integration of additional GDB-servers by squirrel scripting
Automatic GDB server launch and termination
*ST-link GDB server available in package which supports flash/ram execution with live data.
*OpenOCD GDB server available in package which supports live data for STlink.
Scripted register window parser for register-flags
Changeable register values in register window
Cursor aware variable inspect (on cursor or on selection) with live updates
Custom variable types possible via scripting
Assembler syntax highlight with PC-aware line colouring
Debug session storage in separate file (.eds) option
Breakpoints in source windows are visible also in assembler pane
'Break on valid source line if possible' option
Additional Plug-ins:
SVD online repository plugin (>400 files)
Auto versioning
File diff viewer.
Hex editor (even for large files).
Doxy documentation generation front-end.
Code snippets.
Code statistics.
EB monitor
EmBitz(v1.11)에서 코드를 볼 때 색깔이 흐려서 보이지 않는 경우에 "Settings -> Editor..." 메뉴에서 아래와 같이 'Syntax highlighting'에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 이와 같은 설정은 EmBitz 종료시 반드시 저장되어야 합니다.