AutoQuad 6 Flight Controller
What makes the AutoQuad flight controllers special?
무엇이 AutoQuad 비행제어기(FC)를 특별하게 만들까요?
Besides using top quality sensors and MCU, AutoQuad differs in its approach of using sensor calibration techniques and calculating the magnetic profile of the entire multirotor creating the ultimate stable flying and navigation experience.
최고 양질의 센서들과 MCU를 사용한 것 외에도 AutoQuad는 센서 보정 기술을 사용하는 그리고 최고의 안정된 비행과 조종 경험을 갖게 하는 전체 멀티로터의 자기 프로파일을 계산하는 접근 방식에서부터 차이가 납니다.
Summary of specifications of the AQ 6.x flightcontroller hardware
2″ x 2.5″ main board with 4.5×4.5cm mounting hole pattern
Input voltage: 6.5v => 18v
2 High efficiency DC/DC converters, separate power to flight controller logics and accessories.
STM32F407 32bit Cortex M4 microcontroller (1MB flash)
Standard Arm 10 pin 0.05″ pitch SWD connector
14 general purpose PWM controllers / receivers (powered or un-powered)
Dedicated Spektrum satellite (remote receiver) 2.4Ghz R/C radio connector
uSD card slot driven by 4bit SDIO capable of 100Mb/s transfer (up to 32GB storage)
onboard uBlox LEA-6T GPS module with battery backup and time pulse capture
u.FL active GPS antenna connector
optional external bi-directional telemetry radio via standard 6 pin FTDI connector – powered up to 1A
I2C bus connector for I2C ESC’s (or other I2C devices)
X, Y Mag: HMC6042
Z Mag: HMC1041Z
X, Y Gyro: IDG500
Z Gyro: ISZ500
Accel: ADXL325
Pressure Sensor: MP3H6115A (optional 2. tube sensor)
Battery voltage monitor
Onboard IMU options:
Summary of capabilities of the AQ 6.x firmware
Fly extremely stable yet offer full dynamic control to the pilot.
Limit flying angles.
Mavlink 1.0x compatible protocol, Ground Stations for Win, Mac, Linux & Android
Very accurate position hold, depending on GPS reception a hold within 15-30 cm is possible.
Altitude override (ascend / descend) during position hold with controlled vertical speed.
Full mission flight, speed, heading and 'loiter time' is settable.
Return to home position, altitude is also recorded during home position set.
POI (point of interest), autonomous circling around given coordinates
Heading Free flight mode, Follow Me, Click & Go (needs exp. firmware)
Radio loss detection and event triggering.
Low battery detection and event triggering.
2 axis gimbal control with pitch angle override on transmitter.
Gimbal working angle and response time is settable.
Gimbal servos can use 50Hz (analog) to 400+ Hz (digital) settable.
Radio options: Spektrum satellite (10 & 11bit), S-bus receiver, (C)PPM input, SUMD (Graupner) M-Link (Multiplex)
User Addon Waypoint recording and playback using transmitter switch.
User Addon External LED / Piezo signaling for status and events, MAVLink telemetry for Graupner HOTT radios